
Sample post

 In Articles

Here is a sample post.  You may edit this as you wish.

Set the Featured Image on the right side, to be whatever image you want.

Put the “Focus keyphrase” in the Yoast SEO box below, for the keyword you want to rank this article for.

Add a “Meta description” there too.  Make sure it is not too long – look at the Google preview in the Yoast box to see if it all fits.  You can copy/paste the same description into the Excerpt box in the right column as well.

When you are finished you can click Save Draft on the right (in the Publish box) if you don’t want to publish or schedule it yet.  To schedule it, click “Edit” next to “Publish Immediately” and choose a date and time for it to appear.  Or, to publish it immediately, just click the blue Publish button.

Once it is published, it will appear in the Blog page – https://www.stubellconstruction.co.nz/blog/

Note that you also need to add a link in a menu for people to be able to find that page (Appearance -> Menus on the left hand side of this page).

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